Kristen Bellamy

Part-Time SuperWoman

Part-Time SuperWoman

There are times when every relationship needs to get back on track, but never more than those long distance kinships. For those of us whose husbands hit the road and leave all the domestic bliss for us gals to handle, there are constant changes. For me, it can at times be an arduous adjustment, but one I’ve become accustomed to for over 14 years. For many of those years I modified with children, so I can easily slip into overdrive with little to no warning. I love having my family all together, but when my husband is away I become this SuperWoman who, without warning, puts on her cape and is ready to take on the world. I make all of the decisions, do all of the scheduling, organize my pantry, and to my husbands dismay turn my refrigerator into something out of the movie “Sleeping with the Enemy”. There are no underwear on the floor, no compromising about when dinner will be served or what time the kids will go to bed. There is no judgment about whether or not we sleep until 11am on a Sunday instead of hiking up Runyon like a military unit. No washing my car every week, if I don’t want to, or having sex while the housewives is on. Just pure, unadulterated, dead tired me time.

I have talked myself into believing that this is the best that life has to offer because I have no choice. Being a damsel in distress is not handy when your man is away on a gig and you are your only resource. No, the only thing to do is to woman up and get into that “do it yourself” mode, which often makes it hard to adjust when your man returns and you’ve already changed every lightbulb yourself. I feel some kind of way when he walks through the door and wants things to resume as if he’s never left. All at once I must become this beautiful, alluring, compromising wife that makes decisions as a partner, and not Madonna running my own empire. While this can be quite frustrating at times, it is something that any woman with a traveling man knows. It is a must to keep the peace and get the job done in the most effective way. So, it is with great sincerity that I tell you to put your boxers on when necessary, but always keep those lace panties in your nightstand close by. You never know when the tides are changing and mister is coming home to remind you that you are not in it alone. It was only an illusion.

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